PVP Enemy buffs - BfA

PVP Enemy buffs - BfA


A rework of "Enemy Buffs" Imported by Staralfur#1193 : https://wago.io/BymGFpgJQ

The auras will be displayed in a dynamic group, aligned horizontally from the center.

The name of the buffs are not displayed, only the icons, with a couple exceptions.

I used the Spell ID instead of the spell name in the Triggers.

No sound is played.

I'll try to update the set with new BfA PVP talents Buffs if needed.

EFC Stacks (icon)

EFC Stacks 2 (icon)

Orb of Power (icon)

Netherstorm Flag (icon)

Darkness (icon)

Demonic Trample (icon)

Fiery Brand (icon)

Metamorphosis (icon)

Demon Spikes (icon)

Spectral (icon)

AMS (icon)

Icebound (icon)

Pillar (icon)

Vamp (icon)

Barkskin (icon)

Cyclone (icon)

Celestial Alignment (icon)

Dash (icon)

Incarnation Elune (icon)

Incarn King (icon)

Ironbark (icon)

Ironfur (icon)

Surv Instincts (icon)

Tiger Dash (icon)

Feign Death (icon)

Posthaste (icon)

Arcane Power (icon)

Combustion (icon)

Iceform (icon)

Icy Veins (icon)

Prismatic Barrier (icon)

Temporal Shield (icon)

Cocoon (icon)

Fortifying Brew (icon)

Serenity (icon)

Storm Earth Fire (icon)

Touch of Death (icon)

BOF (icon)

BOSAC (icon)

BOSANCT (icon)

Divine Protection (icon)

Shield of Vengeance (icon)

Wings (icon)

Wings 2 (icon)

Archangel (icon)

Dark Archangel (icon)

Focused Will (icon)

Holy Concentration (icon)

Holy Ward (icon)

Inner Focus (icon)

Luminous Barrier (icon)

Pain Suppression (icon)

Barrier (icon)

Power Word Shield (icon)

Rapture (icon)

Ascendance (icon)

Astral Shift (icon)

Earth Shield (icon)

Skyfury Totem (icon)

Spirit Link (icon)

Stormkeeper (icon)

Avatar (icon)

Recklessness (icon)

Berserker Rage (icon)

Rallyiing Cry (icon)

Defensive Stance (icon)

Die by the sword (icon)

Dragon Roar (icon)

Enraged Regeneration (icon)

Bladestorm (icon)

Last Stand (icon)

Spell Reflect (icon)

Shield Block (icon)

Shield Wall (icon)

War Banner (icon)

Warbreaker (icon)

Dark Soul Instability (icon)

Dark Soul Misery (icon)

Netherward (icon)

Unending resolve (icon)

Dark Pact (icon)

Soulstone (icon)

BOP (icon)

Blur (icon)

Brambles (icon)

Cloak (icon)

Counterstrike Totem (icon)

Dispersion (icon)

Divine Shield (icon)

Evasion (icon)

Eye for an Eye (icon)

Greater Fade (icon)

Hidden Blades (icon)

Iceblock (icon)

Karma (icon)

Riposte (icon)

Plunder Armor (icon)

Veil of Midnight (icon)

Thorns (icon)

Turtle (icon)