SnakeQueue is a replacement for the recently broken ‘Fake Queue’ weakaura for TTW Fire Mage ignite munching. SnakeQueue works by replacing the now-broken spell queue cancel function with the summoning of an Albino Snake non-combat pet, available from the pet vendor in Dalaran in the building left of Krasus’ Landing. The Albino Snake pet is unique in the game in that summoning it does not use a GCD yet can still be queued. ONLY the Albino Snake pet works for this weakaura. Without purchasing and learning the Albino Snake, it will not work.
To use SnakeQueue:
1. Purchase and learn the Albino Snake pet from the vendor in Dalaran.
2. Replace your Pyroblast keybind with the following macro:
/run pFQ()
/cast Pyroblast
/run pCQS()
Unlike the ‘No Queue WA’, SnakeQueue will work with all keybinds/actionbar addons/mouse buttons, similar to the old Fake Queue WA. So far it seems to address failure issues noted from No Queue testing and work well for users with any ping.
Most people should just use the default settings. The default settings should prevent munching for all people and adjusting settings is not necessary. Advanced users can adjust the window and offset settings in the Custom Options window.
This WAs is only reliable when instanced in a dungeon or raid. Open world servers batch spells differently, and they make the WA functions less consistent. You cannot reliably test your delay length or the reliability of this Weakaura in the open world.
Why take the Snake Pill?
The 'No Queue' WA replacement for Fake Queue, while it works quite well, appears to have some occasional failures. They aren't as common as /cqs and aren't significant enough to meaningfully impact DPS most of the time, but they do happen. SnakeQueue currently appears to have no failure rate. It also, for some reason, seems to allow users with higher pings to have somewhat shorter delays than No Queue. As a result, SnakeQueue seems to be the best option currently for users who don't mind the screen stutter.
The ‘Window’ setting will NOT affect the length of your delay. The ‘Window’ is the period at the end of your fireball cast you have to press pyroblast for the delay to occur. That is to say, if your window is 150ms, you have to press pyroblast 1-150ms before your fireball ends for it to work. You can still press pyroblast before this and it’ll work as long as you still press it within the window. Longer window setting = longer screen freeze, but you can mash the button slower.
The ‘Offset’ setting adjusts the length of your delay. Higher offset = longer delay and vice-versa. Don’t mess with the offset unless you have tried the Weakaura in a raid with default settings and know your baseline delay from analyzing your logs. If your ping is under 25ms you may NEED to increase the offset setting to prevent munching, and if your ping is high (100ms+) then you may want to decrease offset to a negative number to reduce the delay.