Raid Dispel Cooldown Tracker

Raid Dispel Cooldown Tracker


This WA shows you who used a dispel, whom they used it on, and how long they'll be on cooldown for. Made this because all healers in my guild are quick with dispels, and if two dispel the same target they'd both think they were on cd and the last dispel would take forever.

Made this during Helya progression but realised it's potentially useful for any raid situation where dispels are important, so thought I'd share :).

This is a collection of 6 auras:

Paladin Cleanse (aurabar)

Priest Purify (aurabar)

Priest Mass Dispel (aurabar)

Monk Detox (aurabar)

Druid Nature's Cure (aurabar)

Shaman Purify Spirit (aurabar)