This WA helps monitor the debuffs on target. If you are also a raid leader/assist, raid warning message would be send to the team when exisiting debuffs are running out.
Debuffs monitored by this WA including sunder armor (including expose armor), farie fire, curse of reckless, curse of element, judge of wisdom, demorolizing shout and hunter's mark.
The grey icons are shown only when the debuff is not on the target or is about to running out (except for sunder armor, which will always show the duration and stacks)
NOTE: The raid warning message is in Chinese language and can be changed by yourselves by going to "conditions" and type in what ever you want to say in the "message" under each condition.
此WA为团长或团队助理使用 (团员使用只显示图标,无通报功能。
监测目标身上常规debuff (破甲包括盗贼强破,精灵火,元素鲁莽诅咒,十字军智慧审判,挫志以及猎人印记)的持续情况,并在debuff快到期时通知团队。
图标只显示未被监测到 或 快到期 的debuff, 破甲除外 (破甲图标与层数始终显示)。
此WA为团队自用,如有特殊需求请发邮件到 [email protected]