Ability Timeline (Bossmods)

Ability Timeline (Bossmods)


This WA is a replacement of the DBM and BigWigs default timer bars, with lots of customization options.

You will still need either DBM or BigWigs installed for it to work. This WA simply hijacks DBM/BW timers and makes its own timers.

Supports highlighting specific Alerts via replacing the text or adding TextColor/Glow while also giving you the ability to add "ticks" on the bar to more clearly put an emphasis on the abilitys that are about to happen within 5/10 seconds


FAQ & Known Issues: read below before posting a question

Q: My BW bars sometimes keep showing eventhough i have "hide bw bars" enabled?

A: Sadly BW doesn't rly support hiding the bars properly the thing they want you to do is manually move the bars Anchor off screen. So i can either leave it in this semi working state or disable the option completly and have you moving the anchor off screen manually. If your bars keep showing you can always just move them off screen yourself.

Q: My DBM bars keep showing eventhough i have "hide dbm bars" enabled?

A: Using Addonskins together with that option will never work. Also make sure to /reload after updating the aura.

Q: I don't have cooldowntext on my icon like in the gif how do i fix?

A: You either go to the aura called "raid ability icon" there go to the display tab and check the box infront of the text that says %p or you use external addons like OmniCC or Elvui's Cooldown text

Q: Does this work in dungeons?

A: Yes. If your DBM or BW currently works in dungeons, then this WA will too.

Q: How to change the size of the icons

A: Display tab -> Icon size.

Q: How to move text to the right side

A: go to display tab press the coghweel on text 1 and change this setting https://imgur.com/a/pI8FtIy

Q: Is there a way to make it horizontal instead of vertical?

A: The problem with lining up icons horizontally is that there wouldn't be enough room for the spell name text above/below each icon, since the text orientation is always horizontal as well.

Q: How do i get the Icons to look like in the Preview?

A: If you dislike the default look of icons there are various ways to get icons "skinned". Below are some options

  1. Masque and skins like ElvUIesque or Flat Squares - https://www.curseforge.com/wow/addons/masque

  2. Clean Icons: Thin - https://www.wowinterface.com/downloads/fileinfo.php?id=24559#info (This replaces art files and will apply to everything that uses the icon)

  3. Clean Icons: Mechagnome Edition -- (AI neural network image upscaling), bigger file sizes, but better image quality: https://www.wowinterface.com/downloads/info25064-CleanIcons-MechagnomeEdition.html

  4. Simply use the Zoom setting in the WA Display tab (around 30% usually removes the ugly border)

Q: HALP! My DBM bars are gone forever after uninstalling this WA.

A: Paste the following macro into your chat /run DBT:ResetSkin() if that doesn't do the trick (which it should) go into WTF\Account\\SavedVariables\ and delete DBM-StatusBarTimers.lua

Based on the very Popular Raid Ability Timeline

Every feedback/help is greatly appreciated feel free to contact me by joining my Discord.

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