automatically Pass/Need/Greed/Tmog all raid loot when displaying an item roll.
It works like this:
- enter raid instance = static popup appears where need to confirm one option:
- "Need/Transmog/Greed" (opens another popup for selection)
- "Transmog/Pass" (opens another popup for selection)
- "Need or Transmog or Greed" (auto need for eligible items, if not eligible then check if eligible to roll for Transmog, if not eligible then automatically greed for items)
- "Need only" (auto need for eligible items, if not eligible then you can roll manually)
- "Greed only" (auto greed for eligible items, if not eligible then you can roll manually)
- "Transmog or Pass" (auto roll for transmog eligible items, if not eligible then automatically pass rolls)
- "Transmog only" (auto roll for transmog eligible items, if not eligible then you can roll manually)
- "Pass everything" (automatically pass every rolls)
- "I will do it manually" (you have to roll all items manually)
- exit the raid and enter it again = a popup appears
- if you import a weakaura already in the raid, during the first readycheck a popup appears
- when you do /reload inside the raid = a popup appears
not working when:
- auto popup not works when you enter the raid instance alone without joining a party/raid group, you must be in a party or raid group with at least 1 other person. but you can manually show popup with macro outside or inside raid, solo or in party, doesnt matter
- /run WeakAuras.ScanEvents("AUTONGP_SHOW", UnitName("Player"))
similair weakauras:
- single weakaura for auto Need/Greed only
- single weakaura for auto Pass only