Raid_Naxx Various Alerts (Razu, Sapph, KT)

Raid_Naxx Various Alerts (Razu, Sapph, KT)


Package of alerts for Naxx bosses Razuvious, Sapphiron, KT.

Does the following:

-SFX/GFX when razuvious casts shout and it is safe to go back into LOS

-GFX for 4Horsemen Thane meteor alerter

-SFX/GFX when you are chilled by sapph blizzard and need to move out of blizzard

-SFX/GFX when KT casts mind control

-SFX/GFX for loatheb warlocks when he decurses himself

-SFX when KT casts his void zone (disabled by default)

-automatically yell out when you are frozen solid by KT