Ready check assistant

Ready check assistant


Please leave a comment or add me on Clawe#2443 if you want to get a hold of me in game.

On readycheck get info on what you are missing of vital raid/M+ buffs. Icons are clickable to fix you not having the buff, also a tattletale on who doesnt have the buffs. All the parts in the aura are anchored to the ready check dialog box.


- Buttons:

- Line of buttons anchored to the ready check box, indicating what you are missing to be ready.

- Duration and durability on buttons. This should assist in making better decisions. Like when to flask or ask for couldron

- Glowing buttons with item counts, means you are missing something. Click the buttons to do something about it..

- HERO! Or .. is your raid or group strained? Check who is exhausted/sated. Don't want to be running into a fight with slacking members… do ye?

- Flask: Track and use flasks based on your current specs primary stat.

- Food: Eat the top foods if you have them in bag.

- Durability: Mount a travelers tundra mammoth, yak or summon some mechanical friends to assist in repairs.

- Healthstone: Shows if you have healthstone and how many charges you have.

- Runes: Use a Battle-Scarred Augment Rune

- Vantus Rune: Target the boss and click the vantus rune button to get some extra vers.

- Raid buffs: Are you a mage, priest, warrior or a crafty person, help out your mates by clicking on these icons to buff Intellect, Stamina or Attack Power.

- If you have a mage, priest or warrior in the group, the buttons will not use scrolls, but ask for the buffs instead in chat.

- MP: How are your healers MP? Remember to check before you pull that boss!!

- HP: Is your team topped off? Don't want some easily preventable early deaths now do we?

- Pet: Missing a pet? Currently not clickable tho…

- Missing poisons? We got yer back!

- Lists (TT):

- Tattletale list for who is ready for the ready check:

- Creates a list of group members on ready check, ready people are removed from the list, not ready are marked red.

- Tattletale lists of who in the raid is missing flask, augmentation rune, vantus rune and food buffs.

- Shows status on food buff, (Eating) while the characters are eating or (Low) for those who have feasted on some old hogwash from yesteryear.

- Names displayed in class color.

- Shows player status in name, (DC), (AFK), (DND), (DEAD), (GHOST).

- Timer:

- Displays a class colored progress bar that will count down the duration for the ready check.


- Data structure:

- Use one table for info about raid for whole WA, not one per function in WA.

- Functionality:

- Ready check announcer to raid or party. (initiator only)

- report "not ready" to chat during a ready check.

- summary upon ready check completion for who is AFK

- Add other raidwize buffs and items:

- Class specific stuff, like pets, poisons, runeweap, ++.

- UI improvements:

- Disable "Ready" button until all checks have been done, and atleast for first 5 seconds.

- TT will contain icon for role in raid, Tank, Healer, DPS. It might be important to know if your tank is missing some vital buffs.


News 13th April 2020 (1.0.6-26):

- Updated flask button with new ID for Mysic Flask

News 25th March 2020 (1.0.5-25):

- Minor bug fixes

News 19th March 2020 (1.0.4-24):

- Fixed the counter for flasks

News 19th March 2020 (1.0.3-23):

- Updated food and flask functions with new spell and item IDs.

News 12th March 2020 (1.0.2-22):

- Added Vantus Rune icon and telltale list for Crucible of Storms, Eternal Palace and Ny'alotha.

- Added runes button for Lightning Forged Runes

News 1st February 2019 (1.0.0-21):

- Added Vantus Rune icon and telltale list for Battle for Dazar'alor

- Fixed an issue with Mana Telltale list, which caused LUA errors during readychecks

- Added borders to the backgrounds

- Removed a button function added to the Hero icon. My mistake

- Cleaned up some code that cause other weakauras to behave strange. Hint: Use local scoping on WAs. ;)

- Fixed the Flask icon to propperly show the icon of a spec appropriate flask

News 19th October 2018:

- Flask TT is fixed to properly show raids flasks when you are in a raid.

News 10th October 2018:

- Added failsafe for raid buffs, so you don't cast a scroll if you have a raid/group member that can cast the buff. Now instead of using the scroll, clicking the button for the raid buffs, you will ask for it in raid/party for the buff. ;)

News 8th October 2018:

- Added item counters on icons where it makes sense. These are best effort.

News 3rd October 2018:

- Fixed HP icon to correctly calculate health, not mana.

- Moved timer bar forward, in front of ready check frame.

News 30th September 2018:

- Fixed HP TT to correctly check health and not power.

News 29th September 2018:

- Added icon for Exhaustion/Sated ++ with TT and timer left for those who have it.

- Class specific bar on the right of the ready check frame.

- Pets for hunters and wlocks

- Poisons for rogues

- Added icons and TT for healer mana and raid HP.

News 29th September 2018:

- Added support for multiple languages, by changing behavior to look at spell and item IDs, rather then names.

- Fixed the healthstone icon to correctly display number of charges.

- Added a pane to the right and an icon for pets. More to come on this pane soon :)

News 19th September 2018:

- Fixed the Battle-Scarred Augmentation rune TT list.

News 18th September 2018:

- No longer a rainbow. Its simplified layout.

- Added initial support for Healthstone, but still need some adjustment to function properly.

News 7th September 2018:

- Updated for Uldir and 8.0.1

- Added clickable buttons for Arcane Intellect, Battle Shout and Fortitude, If you don't know the spell it will try to use War-scrolls.

- Updated all previous buttons and tell-tales with new buffs and abilities.

- Food

- Flask

- Augment Rune

- Vantus Rune

- API: Swapped UnitBuff with new API, AuraUtil.FindAuraByName

News 15th June 2018:

- Added Ready check tattletale (TT)

News 9th June 2018:

- Fixed a bug where the UnitBuffChecker function was called with a nil value unit causing the Tattletale (TT) not working correctly.

- Fixed load / unload issues when you enter combat during a ready check.

- Added character status in Tattletale (TT), so you see AFK, DC, DND, Ghost and Dead.

Note: This project was started as my initiation with Lua coding. Bear with me please while I learn Lua. ;)