Monk: Redfella's Brewmaster Unitframe 3.2.2

Monk: Redfella's Brewmaster Unitframe 3.2.2


Features (from bottom to top)

- Energy Bar

- Health Bar with Absorbs overlay

- 3x Brew Charge indicators with grey color during charging, class color when usable

- Custom layered stagger bar (info in the bottom)

- Stagger Paused indicator (on top of stagger bar)

- Important abilities row: Blackout Strike indicator, Keg Smash indicator, Breat of Fire indicator - grey when charging, colored when up

- Blackout Combo indicator (goes over Blackout Strike while the Buff is up)

- Important cooldowns / Trinkets available icons (appear when you have EH, BoB etc. usable, works for every usable trinket too)

- Black ox Statue tracker

- Purified Amount notification

- UnitFrame is clickable / popup menu works normally


Version 3.2

- Right clicking the frame gives you the normal popup menu

- Added blue bar Blackout Combo bar on top of the Blackout Strike bar, which shows the BoC buff

- Added code to show how much stagger you just purified (thanks for Translit)

- Added code to show to if you pause stagger with Blackout Combo

- Added trinkets and Niuzao to the small "CDs available row"

- Added Black ox Statue tracker with health % and sound fx when it dies/is unsummoned

- Made my own stagger bar to replace what Rivers has made (not claiming this is better, it's just better suited for me).

Layered Stagger bar

The new layered stagger bar displays stagger in relation to your health from 0% to 100%, and when you go beyond 100% the bar restarts again from 0% and goes back up to 100% (which is now 200%). The amount of stagger you have is also shown as a percentage, and the bar is colored to signify stagger levels as well.

Stagger bar colors

Between 0% and 25% stagger

Between 50% and 75% stagger

Between 75% and 100% stagger

Between 100% and 125% stagger

Between 125% and 150% stagger

Between 150% and 175% stagger

Between 175% and 200% stagger

Over 200% stagger


This is a collection of 25 auras:

BoC (aurabar)

Blackout Combo up (aurabar)

KS (aurabar)

BoF (aurabar)

Brew Charge #1 (aurabar)

Brew Charge #2 (aurabar)

Brew Charge #3 (aurabar)

Health FG (aurabar)

Energy (aurabar)

Absorbs (aurabar)

Health BG Danger (aurabar)

Health BG Normal (aurabar)

Layered stagger (0-100% -> 100-200%) (aurabar)

Expel Harm Available (icon)

Expel Harm 0 (icon)

Healing Elixir Available (icon)

Niuzao Available (icon)

Black ox Brew Available (icon)

Fortifying Brew Available (icon)

Zen Meditation Available (icon)

Exploding Keg Available (icon)

Trinket 1 available (icon)

Trinket 2 available (icon)

Stagger Paused (text)

Purified amount (text)