Based on the works by Patchett#11593 on 'Pat's aDF' - which was a continued project from the aDF addon for vanilla WoW private servers and also 'aDF - Everything ver.' - for Classic WoW.
As a continuation from my Burning Crusade Classic aDF - project - this is an attempt to merge and adapt the above WeakAuras for Season of Mastery raid encounters and include additional target debuff tracking frames. As it stands, it tracks the current armour value for all raid bosses in the game, based on available data about World of Warcraft Vanilla and the following raid-wide debuffs, including all talented or otherwise improved versions:
- Sunder Armor (up to 5 stacks)
- Expose Armor - 2/2 improved is assumed
- Armor Shatter (Annihilator)
- Holy Sunder (Torch of Holy Flame)
- Faerie Fire (Caster)
- Curse of Recklessness
- Attack Speed Reduction (Thunder Clap / Thunderfury)
- Attack Power Reduction (Demoralizing Shout / Demoralizing Shout)
- Screech (Hunter pet)
- Insect Swarm
- Gift of Arthas
- Hunter's Mark
- Nightfall
- Curse of the Elements
- Curse of Shadow
- Shadow Vulnerability
- Shadow Weaving (up to 5 stacks)
- Winter's Chill (up to 5 stacks)
- Fire Vulnerability (up to 5 stacks)
- Judgement of Wisdom
- Judgement of Light
Debuffs can be toggled on/off on the Custom Options tab of the group.
Each frame can be clicked to send a message in /say when specific debuffs or stacks are missing from the target.
The default load options for the group are set to 'In Raid' - change to suit load requirements.
- All armour values used have been pulled from multiple sources that have been floating around since the days of Thottbot. You can easily find them with some searching. Due to this, best efforts have been made to ensure the data is as valid as possible but unfortunately, Blizzard does not provide a way to obtain the exact armour value of mobs/bosses within the capabilities of the current Season of Mastery version of Vanilla
Please feel free to make any suggestions for improvement or help with further testing.
WotLK Classic version available here -
TBC Classic version available here -
Special thanks to Zerelm for his development help.
In-game: Bendruid-Gehennas
Discord: bennyocb