Reflectable Spells Tracker SL


This Weak Aura was originally uploaded by Marok (v2.3.0)

I only adapted it with the Shadowlands dungeon and raid spells base don the Spell Reflection Spreadsheet by Sense

original decription still stands :

This WeakAura tracks incoming Reflectable spell casts and displays progress bars for each one. Only certain pre-defined spells are tracked. If it seems like this WeakAura isn't working, make sure the spell you're trying to reflect is in the list. You can view the full list of tracked spells in Actions -> On Init.

Please note that in order for a spell to be tracked, the enemy has to be targeting you and the spell needs to have a cast time. Instant cast spells or spells that are cast where you are not the target cannot be tracked.

By default, the following options are turned on:

Color Reflected Spell: Upon casting Spell Reflection, the first incoming spell's bar will turn green as that's the one you will reflect.

Highlight If Reflectable: A pixel glow will appear around the next reflectable spell, taking into account your remaining cooldown and such.

Max # of Bars (3): No more than 3 spell bars will be shown at once.

User Options

All of the above options can be toggled off/changed. To change this WeakAuars options, go to Custom Options tab in this WeakAura's settings.

If you would like to add a spell to track, additional spells can be added in Actions -> On Init. Simply add a line like this: addSpell(spellIDHere)

Known Issues

Enemies that immediately cast after a stun will drop their target briefly, making those casts untrackable.

Certain spells show up as being cast at you even though they're being cast at someone else. This probably isn't fixable since it seems to be caused by the way the game handles targets.

If you have any suggestions, would like a spell added, find a bug, etc, please leave a comment or contact me on Discord.

Discord : Alka#6941