Show damage to relics 通告对圣物造成的伤害
Supported locales
- zhCN
- zhTW
- enUS
- koKR
- deDE
- frFR
- esES
- esMX
- ptBR
If you want me to add support for your locale, leave comments with the value returned by running below command in your chat window and all three names of relics in your locale.
/run print(GetLocale())
Who the hell killed Wo relic?
Requirement: You will have to have Details (the damage meter addon) enabled.
CURRENTLY IN EXPERIMENTAL. Leave comments if you notice anything wrong.
EN Description
3 types of report (configured in custom options)
- Display in chat window (only visible to you) enabled by default
- Display on screen (show at WA position) enabled by default
- Announce in party chat
- full: announce all damage taken data on all relics.
- normal: announce all damagers on killed relic and top damager on others
- short: only announce top damager on killed relic
Other similar WAs
依赖功能: 必须启用Details伤害统计插件, 否则WA无法工作.
三种显示模式 可在自定义选项里设置
- 聊天框显示所有数据 (仅自己可见) 默认不开启
- 屏幕上显示所有数据 (自行调节wa位置) 默认开启
- 在小队里通报数据 (有三种模式) 默认开启
- 完整: 通告三个圣物受到的所有伤害
- 普通: 通告死亡圣物受到的所有伤害, 以及另外两个圣物的最高伤害者
- 极短: 通告对死亡圣物造成最高伤害的人 (默认)