simple resto shaman auras for tracking various abilities and CDs. these will auto load based on talents etc.
these consist of 4 main groups
* main auras
* CDs on the left / right sides
* alerts
* tidal wave
* high tide
* cloudburst totem
* riptide
* healing raid
* pWave
* undulation
* unleash life
* wellspring
* rising tide
* stormkeeper
* vesper (RIP)
* spiritwalker
* earth ele
* astral shift
* ascendance
* healing tide
* mana tide
* ancestral guidance
* wind shear
* cap totem
* windrush
* earthen wall
* ankh totem
* spirit link
various alerts, beeps and boops, popups for procs
a few of these have been forked / inspired from other auras, shoutout to these creators:
CBT - (terias)
HighTide - (niseko)
Undulation - (niseko)