This aura track wild imps, creating a bar for each imps spwaned and display some informations like fireball lefting counter and expiration time for each individual unit.
The empowered gang bosses have a dedicated texture overlay to recognize them better.
By default, an icon will be displayed suggesting when to use implosion single target
The implosion icon will have to different appears:
- Desaturate and light glow. This indicate you to prepeare to imploding, like an allert.
- Colored and hard glowing. Imploding ASAP before boss cast the last firebolt
The calculation for the convenience of using implosion is relatively simple.
Two values are compared:
- A: The damage given by the implosion + the number of imps spawned by gang bosses.
- B: Damage lost from imps' uncast firebolts (as they imploded) and damage lost from an uncast spell + any resources generated (which can be seen as imps lost)
If A is greater then B, there is a gain to use implosion.
For demonology warlock, this aura increase dmg for:
- pets: 18%
- player: 3%
The following spellpower scalings are used for the calculation (The aura check if talents are selected):
- fb_scaling: 0.06348 * 1.18 * 1.2 _(1.2 is for the talent _Socrathar's Guile) = 0.0899
- implosion_scaling: 0.33 * 1.18 = 0.3894
- hog_scaling: 0.2376 * 1.03 * 1.05 _(1.05 is for the talent _Demonic Meteor) = 0.2570
- filler_scaling: 0.702 * 1.03 * 1.15 _(1.15 is for the talent _Saregerei Techinque) = 0.8315
- boss_conversion: value of boss based on imp, and it value 0.3 * 0.5 + 1 = 1.15
- mastery: Example number = 1.4
Some other talents like Infernal Command is not inserted here but is considered if talented.
Debuff like The Houndmaster's Stratagem (aka FTS) are considered in the WA, but excluded on next example to avoid to much informations.
Is worth!
In this example I take the following situation in which is worth to use implosion:
In this situation we have:
- n°boss: 4 bosses
- n°std: 3 std imp
- boss_fb: 1+1+2+2 = 6 fireball to be casted from bosses
- std_fb:1+2+4 = 7 fireball to be casted from std imps
- enery_left: Total energy left: 236 =
100 * n°tot_imp - (6 * n°tot_imp - ( remainig_bolt_std + remainig_bolt_bosses )) * 16
Now I calculated the dmg that gained using implosion -> A
A is equalt to the summ of:
- Dmg of implosion;
- Dmg of new imps spawned (from imploding bosses);
A = implosion_scaling * energy_left / 100 + n°boss * 6 * fb_scaling * boss_conversion
A = 0.3894 * 236 / 100 + 4 * 6 * 0.08988 * 1.15
A = ~3.40
Now I calculated the dmg losses using implosion -> B
B is equal to the summ of:
- Dmg of non casted firebolt;
- Dmg of non casted filler (shadowbolt in this case);
- Dmg of non generated soul shard (converted in imp dmg);
- 1/3 (in shadowbolt filler case) of hand of guldan loss;
B = fb_scaling * (std_fb + boss_fb * 1.5) + filler_scaling / mastery + (fb_Scaling * 6 * boss_conversion + hog_scaling / mastery) * filler_ss_generated
B = 0.0899 * (7 + 6 * 1.5) + 0.8315/1.4 + ( 0.0899 * 6 * 1.15 + 0.2570/1.4) * 1
B = ~3.15
Since A > B is worth to use implosion, with a gain of: 3.40 - 3.15 = 0.25
Custom Options
- Min gain ratio: This ratio amplify the B value in order to increase the difficulty to find a gain using implosion.