Rogue HUD with target HP bar/Castbar [updated for Horde and Alliance!]

Small HUD for Rogue's, tracks all buffs and cooldowns, tracks CC on target etc.

Show's insignia icon when you get CC'd by something your trinket can remove, will also show you if you dont have it equipped and get CC'd

Target HP/Castbar+cc on target icon over the CP counter

text on screen notice when a cooldown is ready.

Update 17th June 2020

- Added Insignia for Horde

-Added SND timer bar [not loaded by default]

Update 10th June 2020-

-Adjusted some colors.

-Added target level to the target HP frame.

Update 5th June 2020-

- Fixed some issues with texts.

- Added texts to prep and CB .

- Cleaned up useless double icons.

- added Blind to CC on target icon.

- Adjusted Colors for what class you have targeted.

- fixed issue when targeting rogues and the coloring of the powerbar.

- Added target name to target bar.

Update 4th June 2020 -

- Added targets castbar with icon, timer and spellname.

- Adjusted some positions of some icons.

- Made nade tracker only show if you have engineering learned.
