Ready for Shadowlands 9.0.1

This Weakauras is optimized for the Outlaw and Subtlety Specialization.

All the Assasination Auras are from the BfA Version 8.2

SharedMedia Files for some WA Sounds:

Just save the Folder SharedMedia_WLNO in your WoW Path: World of Warcraft/_retail_/Interface/AddOns

Roll The Bones:

With 9.0.1 the Ability is no longer a Combopoint Finisher. So the Ability has his own Cooldown. The CD can get reduced with the Restless Blades passive ability. So the goal is to have Roll the Bones faster ready than the Buffs run out. For this I added one more Bar for the Ability CD as an overlay. In the BfA Version the bars had different colors dependent of the Buff combinations. Now I switched the colors to the Bar-Frame to have a better View between Buff remaining time and Ability CD.

The Colors:

  • One Buff (Ruthless Precision or Broadsides or Skull and Crossbones)

  • One Buff (True Bearing)

  • One Buff (Buried Treasure or Grand Melee)

  • Two Buffs (Buried Treasure and Grand Melee toghether)

  • Two Buffs (All other combinations)

  • 5 Buffs (A Blue Pixel Glow will go around that border)

Buffname shorthand symbols:

  • Crit = Ruthless Precision

  • CP = Broadsides

  • Slash = Skull and Crossbones

  • CD = True Bearing

  • NRG = Buried Treasure

  • Aspd = Grand Melee

Poisons (New with Shadowlands 9.0.1):

To track the Poisons I added two Bars on the left side (minor Auras). There you can see the remaining time. I also added a warning Text for missing poisons and when the poisons remaining time is under 60 seconds

Slice and Dice:

The new Slice and Dice ability (for Outlaws -- all Specs) got a place into the top center of the HUD. For this the Blade Flurry and Vanish was moved to the right and Cheated death got moved on the big aura symbol area (near the character). The Cheated Death icon is only visible when it was triggered and has a CD.

The Background:

• If you are in stealth, the background changes in purple.

• If you are in Combat, the frame changes to red and the background changes to black/dark grey.

• Out of Combat and visible for all, the background is in rogue colors.

Interrupt Bar:

• The bar shows only interruptable spells by your target.

Whats next:

During the Pre-Patch period I'll try to improve the Outlaw HUD. Maybe some Auras will be moved or replaced.

Further improvements:

Sourcing out the side auras into a dynamic group

Sourcing out the big auras into a separate group for a better overview

If not to overpowered, I'll add some custom options