Rogue: Outlaw

Rogue: Outlaw


HUD/Rotation for Outlaw Rogue.

Requires Level 100+. Unexpected errors may occur at lower levels.

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IMPORTANT NOTE: This pack uses some fonts and textures from ElvUI, AddonSkins (ElvUI addon), and Details! Damage Meter. If you are not using any combination of these and wish to retain the overall look, I've created a basic addon that loads a few textures and fonts by way of LibSharedMedia-3.0. (Download and extract to your WoW\Interface\Addons\ folder). Combine with to get matching icons.


• Top progress bar for Blade Flurry.

• Sinister Strike will desaturate if you are capped on CP.

• Pistol Shot will glow under the effects of Opportunity and you have 4 or less CP. If you are using Quick Draw, that changes to 3 or less.

• Between the Eyes will glow when you have 5 or more CP, and are under the effects of Ruthless Precision, or you have either Deadshot or Ace Up Your Sleep traits on your gear.

• Dispatch will glow when you have 5 or more CP.

• Roll the Bones will show the duration of the RtB buff(s) you currently have active. It also has pandemic tracking. Icon works as follows

→ Glow with full saturation if you do not currently have an RtB buff active and you have 4 or more CP.

→ Icon desaturates and shows a timer if you have an RtB buff active.

→ When RtB is within the 30% pandemic window and you don't have either Grand Melee, Ruthless Precision, or 2 or more buffs active, it will saturate. If you have 4 or more CP, it will also glow.

→ If, however, you do have Grand Melee, Ruthless Precision, or 2 or more active buffs, it will only saturate at 3 seconds or less. The glow effect works the same.

• When Roll the Bones is active, a small popup will appear next to the icon to show which of the RtB buffs you currently have. A light grey means it is active, a dark grey means it is not. Abbreviations:

- RUTH is Ruthless Precision

- GMELEE is Grand Melee

- BSIDE is Broadside

- SKULL is Skull and Crossbones

- BURIED is Buried Treasure

- TB is True Bearing

• Roll the Bones will be replaced with Slice and Dice, if talented. SnD will glow when you have 5 or more CP.

• Progress bars on the bottom for Adrenaline Rush, and if talented, Killing Spree or Blade Rush.

• Left-side progress bar for Crimson Vial. Counts down when active, counts up when not active and on cooldown. Bar will disappear when Crimson Vial is available to be cast again.

• No current support for Deeper Stratagem, Ghostly Strike, or Marked for Death.

• Range checking desaturates to a red color when the ability is not in range.

Update #2 - December 5, 2018

• Modified behavior of Pistol Shot to now check for the Quick Draw talent when considering if Pistol Shot will overcap CP.

• Modified RtB Pandemic behavior. Glow effect will now apply at under 30% when you don't have one of either Grand Melee or Ruthless Precision, or you don't have 2 or more buffs. If you do have either GM or RP or 2+ buffs, it will glow when under 4 seconds (the practical effect of 4 means it won't glow until 3, don't ask).

Update - December 5, 2018

• Changed the order of RtB buffs in the popout to order of importance instead of random.

Update - November 30, 2018

• Added Deadshot and Ace Up Your Sleeve support to Between the Eyes