All PvE Abilities + Covenants are included in this package, tested Live
As of 3.0.1, these WAs use their own cooldown number settings. Note: the cooldown numbers may still have a few bugs - please report if you find them.
- Covenant abilities
- Serrated Bone Spike CD and debuff
- Fleshcraft buff duration
- Sepsis debuff tracker
- Echoing Reprimand CD and stack counter
- CDs for other Signature abilities
- All spellbook abilities for all specs
- All on-use talents for all specs
- Useful ability procs
- Cooldowns and stacks tracked
- Pandemic window highlights
- Cooldown upcoming highlights (10s warning usually)
- Enemy debuff tracking
- Self buffs tracking
- Poisons not applied alert
- Combo points display changes for Deep Stratagem talent
- Written in WeakAuras 4.0.2
- Tested working on
- WeakAuras 4.0.2
- WoW Live as of 07/07/2022
Maybe, maybe not
- Envenom duration bar
- Pandemic window changes for Deep Stratagem
- PvP-only abilities