Rogue UI - Battle for Azeroth

Rogue UI - Battle for Azeroth


- Custom placement for combo points with/without Deeper Stratagem.

- Weakaura Energy Bar


Tracks all current buffs/debuffs for the two main Assassination playstyles (Toxic Blade / Exsang)

- Garrote Pandemic Glow

- Rupture Pandemic Glow


- Roll the Bones will glow whenever you don't have Grand Melee, Ruthless Precision, 2+ buffs or when buffs are about to expire. If it glows, keep fishing.

- Pistol Shot glows with opportunity procs.

- Between the Eyes glows with appropriate buff or legendary wrists when it should be used. (Soon to be updated for Deadshot)

- Blade Flurry glows while buff is active.


- Nightblade Pandemic Glow

- Shadow Dance glows if Symbols is off CD and you have at least one charge.

- Shadow Dance glows if you have 2 charges and less than 30 seconds until a third charge.

Future Plans: Remove duplicate weakauras to optimize memory load and modification.