Rogue Vanish Timings - Saji Edit

Rogue Vanish Timings - Saji Edit


Based off of Redtuzk's Vanish Timings Weakaura, located at

These auras will display when the user has Vanish available, and has the opportunity to vanish a particular spell to avoid the mechanic. Currently supported Spells include;

Lucifron - Mind Control (Redtuzk Original)

Chromaggus - Breaths (Redtuzk Original)

Nefarion/Onyxia - Fears (Redtuzk Original)

Ouro - Sweep

Maexxna - Web Spray

Gluth - Terrifying Roar

Loatheb - Inevitable Doom

Four Horseman - Mark

Sapphiron - Frost Breath

Gruul - Ground Slam

Terestian Illhoof - Sacrifice

Prince Malchezaar - Shadow Nova

The three new TBC Auras are untested as I am not currently playing Rogue in TBC. Please let me know if there are any issues with any of those, or any other spells that can be vanished so I may add them.

The Naxxramas Auras with the exception of Sapphiron REQUIRE you to use DBM, and have timers enabled for Web Spray, Inevitable Doom, Four Horseman Marks and Terrifying Roar. These will not work without DBM. These auras are currently very reliable with the exception of Gluth's Fear, which has a very widely varying timer and may not be possible to perfect.