This is my first attempt at making a full WA Hub for every class/spec in the game, any feedback please leave in the comments on here, tell me over on my twitch channel or DM/@ me on twitter @MrMoranz
Using Masque: Shadows 5 to make the black outline around the icons if you want it to look the same way as I have mine setup. These auras do not have Azerite Trait or Trinket trackers
None so far
- All specs
- Slightly adjusted the size of the Combo Points trackers
No changes
Rogue Resources (Energy & Combo Points) (text)
Energy Rogue (aurabar)
Combo Point 1 Background (texture)
Combo Point 1 (texture)
Combo Point 2 Background (texture)
Combo Point 2 (texture)
Combo Point 3 Background (texture)
Combo Point 3 (texture)
Combo Point 4 Background (texture)
Combo Point 4 (texture)
Combo Point 5 Background (texture)
Combo Point 5 (texture)
Combo Point 6 Background (texture)
Combo Point 6 (texture)
Rogue Utilities (text)
Kick (icon)
Rogue Pot (icon)
Rogue Lust (icon)
Riposte CD (icon)
Evasion CD (icon)
Cloak of Shadows CD (icon)
Sprint CD (icon)
Shadowstep CD (icon)
Grappling Hook CD (icon)
Feint CD (icon)
Crimson Vial (icon)
Rogue Assaassination Damage Cooldowns (Left Side) (text)
Vendetta UP (icon)
Vendetta CD (icon)
Vendetta Duration (icon)
Marked for Death UP Assassination (icon)
Marked for Death CD Assassination (icon)
Rogue Assaassination Damage Spells (Right Side) (text)
Vanish UP Assassination (icon)
Vanish CD Assassination (icon)
Blindside Icon (icon)
Blindside Active 30% (icon)
Blindside Active Proc (icon)
Rogue Assaassination Damage Spells (Main Bar) (text)
Garrote UP (icon)
Garrote CD (icon)
Garrote Duration (icon)
Rupture Icon (icon)
Rupture Duration (icon)
Envenom Icon (icon)
Envenom Duration (icon)
Toxic Blade UP (icon)
Toxic Blade CD (icon)
Toxic Blade Duration (icon)
Exsanguinate UP (icon)
Exsanguinate CD (icon)
Crimson Tempest UP (icon)
Crimson Tempest CD (icon)
Crimson Tempest Duration (icon)
Hidden Blades Stack (icon)
Hidden Blades Active (icon)
Rogue Outlaw Damage Cooldowns (Left Side) (text)
Adrenaline Rush UP (icon)
Adrenaline Rush CD (icon)
Adrenaline Rush Duration (icon)
Marked for Death UP Outlaw (icon)
Marked for Death CD Outlaw (icon)
Rogue Outlaw Damage Spells (Right Side) (text)
Vanish UP (icon)
Vanish CD (icon)
True Bearing (icon)
Ruthless Precision (icon)
Broadside (icon)
Grand Melee (icon)
Skull and Crossbones (icon)
Buried Treasure (icon)
Rogue Outlaw Damage Spells (Main Bar) (text)
Loaded Dice Icon (icon)
Loaded DIce UP (icon)
Alacrity Icon (icon)
Alacrity Duration (icon)
Slice and Dice Icon (icon)
Slice and Dice Duration (icon)
Between the Eyes UP (icon)
Between the Eyes CD (icon)
Blade Flurry UP (icon)
Blade Flurry CD (icon)
Blade Flurry Duration (icon)
Blade Rush UP (icon)
Blade Rush CD (icon)
Blade Rush Duration (icon)
Killing Spree UP (icon)
Killing Spree CD (icon)
Killing Spree Duration (icon)
Ghostly Strike UP (icon)
Ghostly Strike CD (icon)
Ghostly Strike Duration (icon)
Rogue Subtlety Damage Cooldowns (Left Side) (text)
Shadow Blades UP (icon)
Shadow Blades CD (icon)
Shadow Blades Duration (icon)
Marked for Death UP Subtlety (icon)
Marked for Death CD Subtlety (icon)
Rogue Subtlety Damage Spells (Right Side) (text)
Vanish UP Subtlety (icon)
Vanish CD Subtlety (icon)
Alacrity Icon Subtlety (icon)
Alacrity Duration Subtlety (icon)
Rogue Subtlety Damage Spells (Main Bar) (text)
Nightblade Icon (icon)
Nightblade Duration (icon)
Symbols of Death UP (icon)
Symbols of Death CD (icon)
Symbols of Death Duration (icon)
Shadow Dance UP (icon)
Shadow Dance CD (icon)
Shadow Dance Duration (icon)
Secret Technique UP (icon)
Secret Technique CD (icon)
Shuriken Tornado UP (icon)
Shuriken Tornado CD (icon)
Shuriken Tornado Duration (icon)