Roll the Bones

Roll the Bones


Roll rules updated: 29.07.2023 - (DD.MM.YYYY) - Check current buff values before reporting issues with incorrect roll prompts.


  • Supports HO and KIR builds
  • Assists with Roll the Bones usage with CTO buffs in mind
  • Prompts to use Blade Flurry when 2 or in specific single target cases or more targets exists
  • Helps with Keept it Rolling usage
  • Prompts to use Slice and Dice when the buff is missing
  • Quite a bit of configuration possibilities via custom settings. Some examples: changing reroll rules, creating separate roll rules for different talent builds, changing audio effects, changing grade names, colors and score requirements, toggle icons, alter roll values depending on selected talents, disable modules, or even blacklist enemies with certain buffs from blade flurry prompt
  • The way aura is built allows each part of the aura be repositioned separately via display tab (more info about this in Configuring the aura section)

Current default rules

  • Roll rules are based of RTB rules found in rogue discord

  • Aura will not prompt to reroll while player is affected by dreadblades or by shadow dance

  • Kir build

  • Keep a single buff, if loaded dice is inactive and your buff is either Broadside, or Skull and Crossbones, or True Bearing, or Grand Melee(AoE)

  • Keep 2 buffs, unless it is Grand Melee and Buried Treasure and loaded dice is inactive

  • If Loaded Dice is active, roll away any single buffs, or any 2 buffs which do not contain Broadside, or True Bearing, or Skull and Crossbones

  • HO build

  • Roll away any single buffs that is not Skull and Crossbones

  • Keep any dual buffs

  • Loaded Dice rules will be updated later when they get re-added for HO build in rogue discord

Current Buff values

  • Make sure your buff values matches these before reporting any issues with incorrect roll prompts

  • You can find the values used by your aura under RTB modifiers

  • Kir build

  • Broadside: 14

  • Buried Treasure: 5

  • Grand Melee: 1

  • Ruthless Precision: 14

  • Skull and Crossbones: 12

  • True Bearing: 12

  • Grand Melee (AoE): 10

  • HO build

  • Broadside: 9

  • Buried Treasure: 6

  • Grand Melee: 5

  • Ruthless Precision: 8

  • Skull and Crossbones: 16

  • True Bearing: 9

  • Grand Melee (AoE): 5

Enable CTO support (Ignore kept CTO buffs)

I have seen a lot of confusion surrounding this setting, or what it does.

This is what it does.

Lets say you have SaC (or which ever solo buff is good at the time you're reading this) for 14 seconds from CTO and a dual roll of Grand Melee + Buried Treasure for 12 seconds, with this setting enabled, aura would prompt for a reroll, and with the setting disabled, aura would not prompt reroll.

If the buff durations would be reversed and Grand Melee + Buried Treasure gained from RTB had 14 sec duration and CTO buff SaC had 12 seconds, aura would not prompt for a reroll since using RTB would also replace SaC


with setting enabled

12sec SaC(Cto) + 14sec Buried Treasure(RTB) = no reroll

14sec SaC(Cto) + 12sec Buried Treasure(RTB) = reroll

with setting disabled, neither case would cause aura to prompt reroll.

Keep it Rolling

  • This is still in development and may have its issues.

  • Kir usage rules are subject to change

  • Aura will prompt to use kir when following conditions are met

  • You have talented into kir

  • Aura is not currently displaying rolled rolls

  • Shadow dance is not currently active OR player has 6 RTB buffs active

  • One of the RTB buffs have less than 2 seconds remaining (Might remove this. You can disable this by removing trigger 18 check from condition 11)

  • Regular/Relaxed

  • You have 3 of the following buffs: Broadside, True Bearing, Skull and Crossbones, or Ruthless Precision (2 of the buffs with relaxed kir rules enabled)

  • Score Based

  • Total score of your buffs equals or exceeds configured kir score requirement

  • Aura will prompt for a reroll after using kir, extended buffs have less than 37 seconds remaining and RTB is off cd. (Can be disabled from the custom settings) - This was added because RTB will not replace the rolls extended by kir, but it may roll the same buff extended by kir already.

Random marks next to grade

  • * indicates that a boost was applied to the grade. (This is currently used when rolling Grand Melee in AoE scenarios)

Aura tells me to use Blade Flurry on single target

  • That's intended behavior. As of now, it's currently worth to use Blade Flurry on single target if you have Grand Melee up (Rules have slight variation depending on your build
  • For KIR use blade flurry on single target when player has Grand Melee with a duration of 10 seconds or higher and player is not affected by dreadblades or by shadow dance.
  • For HO use Blade Flurry on single target when player has Grand Melee. Aura has an additional check for GM to have at least 2 seconds or more duration left.
  • If you don't want to use Blade Flurry in single target, you can disable this from the custom options


  • To be fair, this aura was made somewhat fast since I needed RTB prompt for my own rogue, thus there may and probably are bugs.
  • Preset npc:s in the blade flurry blacklist only work in English client due to blacklist using npc names. (Can be self fixed by changing the names of the npc to corresponding name in another client's language

Configuring the aura

  • Altering buff values

    The way buff values work is quite simple.

    Each buff is given value in the custom options and when roll the bones is used each buff gained from it will be added together and compared against grade requirements starting from legendary.

    By default aura will also attempt to ignore buffs gained through count the odds when their duration is higher than remaining duration of the buffs gained through rtb.

    • Buff values are kept in custom options (RTB modifiers).
    • When altering values anything below common requirement aura will prompt to reroll. (By default its 11)
    • Requirement values will determine the grade and their name corresponds to wow quality color.
    • Don't be afraid to alter these in case the aura is outdated, or values just are incorrect due to lack of my own knowledge. That's why the values aren't hardcoded.
    • By making use of Roll Test you can easily make sure your buff weights are granting the results you want.
  • RTB modifiers

    • RTB modifiers are a way to alter buff weights when certain talents are selected without the need of hard coding these exceptions or without the need of waiting for aura to update. In other words, these allow aura to support multiple different outlaw builds with all different roll values
    • You can add multiple talents into one entry, which causes all of them being needed to be selected in order for the talent modifier to be active (inverse mode requires talent to not be selected). If any of the specified talents conditions return false, the talent modifier will be inactive.
    • As of now, these do not allow you to modify Loaded Dice rules
    • Aura will only load the first valid RTB modifier, so to avoid unwanted modifier to load, use inverse mode as well.
  • Changing audio

    • Versions 1.2.8 and latter allow changing audio via custom options
    • To change audio, go to custom options and find the entry which represents the audio you want to change ie for bad roll it is Roll audio/Poor Audio
    • Aura supports audio file paths and audio id:s. You can get audio id:s from wowhead.
    • For file paths audio must be located within interface folder, or in subfolder within interface folder. When using file path, don't forget to add file extension. ie Interface/MyAudio/MySound.ogg
    • Leaving an audio file path empty, or giving it a value of 0 will mute that audio.
  • Text positions

    • Due to aura being designed in a way to be usable for someone with poor eyesight, it's very in your face. Because of this some users may wish to alter aura component positions or sizes.

    • Most of the component positions and sizes can easily be altered by altering texts in Display tab

    • Text1 is reroll prompt

    • Text2 is rolled buffs/Kir extended buffs

    • Text3 is SnD prompt

    • Text4 is buff explanations (Mostly unused feature, but it's there. tick show text to enable)

    • Text5 is blade flurry prompt

    • Text6 is prompt to disable blade flurry

    • Text7 is prompt to use Keep it Rolling

  • Loaded Dice

    • Unfortunately for now, Loaded Dice is hard coded
    • If you know what you are doing, you can alter Loaded Dice in On Init section of the aura and alter function a.LoadedDice() line 208. If the function returns true, aura will prompt for a reroll when rtb is off cd. The function also takes two arguments, but in editing you have to care about the first one really. a.LoadedDice(Roll Table, false) Roll table is a table containing rolls gained from RTB.
  • Custom Font - This is not mandatory

    • First of all, if you don't have the custom font added via sharedmedia, weakauras will then just default back to the default font, thus this section is completely optional and not needed for aura to work.
    • The aura uses custom font, but the aura will work fine without it.
    • The font used can be found from here
    • Use addon sharedmedia to import the font and register it under the name OldSchool Runescape in this manner "LibStub("LibSharedMedia-3.0"):Register("font", "OldSchool Runescape", [[Interface\Addons\SharedMedia_MyMedia\font\Name of the Font file.ttf]])"

Common issues

  • Issue: Blade flurry reminder doesn't work

  • Enable enemy nameplates. That is usually bound to key v.

  • Try running /reload

  • Issue: Aura is returning a lot bad rolls

  • Intended. HO builds have less viable single rolls than kir builds had.

  • Either don't run Hidden Opportunity, or disable RTB modifier Hidden Opportunity from the aura.

  • Issue: Issues with updating

  • Ye… That's my fault. I accidentally updated uid at one point when rolling back some changes. Sorry for the inconveniences caused by this. This should only affect versions that are older than 1.2.44.

  • Issue: Fps issues after installing the aura

  • Unfortunately this aura is not the most lightweight aura there is. You can try to alleviate this issue by either disabling some parts of the aura (blade flurry reminder), or reducing blade flurry reminder refresh rate.

Can I use this aura as a part of my aura group/upload modified version of this aura?

  • You can, as long as you don't claim the aura as your own, you include me in the credits and you include a link to this page in the aura wago description.


  • Rework the wago page, it's currently a mess
  • Add a way to customize loaded dice logic. As of right now, loaded dice logic is hard coded

Working on

Known issues

  • Aura may fail to return any rolls when aura rerolls same buff which was extended by kir. (haven't seen this for a while)

Beta builds: