Simple Dynamic Group that shows the bones buffs only when they're active.
Credit to Devlin for the Idea
Shows a Roll The Bones(RTB) icon (always on the left) that displays how long the buffs are up for.
RTB Icon glows when you need to re-roll
RTB Icon Also glows if the buffs that were rolled are not GM or RP or any 2+ buffs
Displays short text on the icon of the buff saying what it does (Example: "nrg" which means energy..)
Displays Loaded Dice if talented
Style (Addons to make it look exactly like my GIF)
OmniCC is used for the cooldown text on the RTB icon
AddOnSkins is used to skin the border of the icons
Changed the font from Expressway to Accidental Presidency to avoid the "…" bug
Changed the font size from 14 to 17
Changed the text color of Grand Melee and Ruthless Precision
8/2/2018 2:44 PM
Changed some WA text
8/2/2018 2:18 PM
Changed the whole group to be displayed while out of combat (was displayed in combat only)