This is my original WeakAura for Classic. The updated WeakAura for TBC can be found here:
- Swing Timer
- Rage Bar
- Cooldown Tracking: Mortal Strike/Bloodthirst/Shield Slam, Sweeping Strikes/Death Wish/Concussion Blow, Whirlwind (Battle/Zerker), Shield Bash, Pummel, Intimidating Shout, Charge (out-of-combat) or Intercept (in-combat), Berserker Rage (Zerker), Bloodrage, Shield Block (Defensive), Disarm (Defensive)
- Buff Tracking: Battle Shout, Sweeping Strikes/Death Wish, Shield Wall, Retaliation, Recklessness, Last Stand, Enrage, Flurry
- Debuff Tracking: Rend, Hamstring (Battle/Zerker), Thunderclap (Battle), Demoralizing Shout, Sunder Armor (Defensive)
- Proc Tracking: Overpower (Battle, or all stances with Tactical Mastery), Revenge (Defensive), Execute (Battle/Zerker, and Defensive with Tactical Mastery)
- Queued Attacks: Heroic Strike, Cleave
Why doesn't it show X aura instead of Y aura?
I've done my best to configure auras/stances for all types of Warriors across all levels. For example, Rend is "useless" for level 60 PvE, but pretty important to track at low levels or in PvP. That being said, I welcome any suggestions and I encourage you to customize it to your heart's content, as there is definitely no "one size fits all". =)
To enable timers, you can enable the default timers by going to "Interface Options > Action Bars > Show Numbers for Cooldowns". It should work with other custom timer add-ons (like OmniCC) as well, but that is at the WeakAura add-on level.
- Ipse: This is heavily based off Ipse's Warrior Weakauras on retail, so a lot of credit goes to him.
- Sauryn: For helping with Stance based triggers.
- Bud: For creating Overpower aura when not in Battle Stance, and Fantasm: for directing me to it.
- Best place to reach me with any suggestions/issues would be here on Wago (just add a comment.) I also play the character Rye on Herod (Horde) if you want to say hello!