This is my updated WeakAura for TBC. The original WeakAura for Classic can be found here:
- Swing Timer
- Rage Bar
- Cooldown Tracking: Mortal Strike/Bloodthirst/Shield Slam, Sweeping Strikes/Death Wish/Concussion Blow, Rampage, Whirlwind (Battle/Zerker), Shield Bash, Pummel, Intimidating Shout, Charge (out-of-combat) or Intercept (Battle/Zerker+in-combat) or Intervene (Defensive+in-combat), Berserker Rage (Battle/Zerker), Bloodrage, Shield Block (Defensive), Spell Reflection, Disarm (Defensive)
- Buff Tracking: Battle Shout, Commanding Shout, Sweeping Strikes/Death Wish, Rampage, Shield Wall, Retaliation, Recklessness, Last Stand, Enrage, Flurry
- Debuff Tracking: Hamstring (Battle/Zerker), Thunderclap (Battle), Demoralizing Shout, Sunder Armor (Defensive)
- Proc Tracking: Overpower (Battle, or all stances with Tactical Mastery), Revenge (Defensive), Execute (Battle/Zerker, and Defensive with Tactical Mastery), Victory Rush
- Queued Attacks: Heroic Strike, Cleave
Why doesn't it show X aura instead of Y aura?
I've done my best to configure auras/stances for all types of Warriors across all levels. For example, Rend is "useless" for end-game PvE, but pretty important to track at low levels or in PvP. That being said, I welcome any suggestions and I encourage you to customize it to your heart's content, as there is definitely no "one size fits all". =)
To enable timers, you can enable the default timers by going to "Interface Options > Action Bars > Show Numbers for Cooldowns". It should work with other custom timer add-ons (like OmniCC) as well, but that is at the WeakAura add-on level.
- Rampage: The 'Cooldown Swipe' resets every time you crit.
- Ipse: This is heavily based off Ipse's Warrior Weakauras on retail, so a lot of credit goes to him.
- Sauryn: For helping with Stance based triggers.
- Bud: For creating Overpower aura when not in Battle Stance, and Fantasm: for directing me to it.
- Best place to reach me with any suggestions/issues would be here on Wago (just add a comment.) I also play the character Ryecoke on Benediction (Alliance) if you want to say hello!