Secret Technique Group Stats

Secret Technique Group Stats


Displays group member highest stats with So'leah's Secret Technique equipped and no buff.

Does not require other addons or other group members to install anything.

If you have issues or errors, delete the aura, RELOAD UI, then install before you comment.

Custom options for color and display text of each stat, "processing" label, and your frame label.

Empty the text box to hide the respective label. The second screenshot has Crit, Mast, and Vers empty.

The text labels themselves are controlled by WeakAuras, use the Display settings tab to change font, position, etc.

If you don't like the text labels "fading" into colored custom unit frames, uncheck "Set Parent to Anchor".

The aura should keep everyone up-to-date by watching some unit changes. To force a refresh of a specific group member, just inspect them.

The trinket uses the target group member's absolute stat as read in the tooltip over that stat on their character sheet. This means that temporary stat changes could change the highest at any moment. The trinket "snapshots" the highest stat so whatever secondary you got on use will stay for the entire 30 minutes even if target's highest changes while your buff is on them, or until you reuse it or the target leaves the area/group.

This aura is not responsible for your buff disappearing in combat. One of your macros has /use 13 or /use 14 in it. The buff will go away if you use the trinket and your target is you, your target is not a group member, or you have no target.

/run KNGSSTGSWA.debug=1 to watch inspects. Increase to 2 to include queue activity. Increase to 3 to include accepted UI events (somewhat spammy). Increase to 4 to include discarded events due to irrelevant units/guids or antispam (warning: very spammy, will fill chat window quickly).

TinyStealthTags™ soleah raid tools method exorsus infinite endless tazavesh secondary stats critical strike haste mastery versatility shoutout to the WA discord help channel mods for the tips to increase inspect throttle and loop through auras and for evil touching of save data also wago code metrics can suck it wtf does cyclomatic even mean maintainability deez nuts