Send WF info to Shaman


Sends your WF information to shamans in your group. (includes lingering period, see below for explanation)

Shamans need preferrably this, this and/or this WA to use the sent information

Lingering period

If you haven't noticed, there is a big chance that WF can linger at '0s' for quite some time, during this period you can still proc it. However this is not consistent across all party members (so it can stay at '0s' for 2s on a party member but 6s for another). This means you may only need to totem twist every 14s depending on the situation.

Major credits to:

  • asakawa from the WA discord for being an endless source of constructive criticism about performance/code

Feel free to contact me on discord anytime for suggestions/questions (Rodonies#1359)