Seyu´s Classic Warlock Essentials

Seyu´s Classic Warlock Essentials


Basic Overview for a Warlock. Focus on keeping it small.

Hiding Buff Reminders, Timers and Stones when not needed.

When missing anything, it shows. When done it disappears!

In the Screenshots you can see the different states of the Interface:

1. Showing EVERYTHING included.

2. Showing without any buffs or Pet.

3. Showing full buffed/health&soulstoned with a pet out(not attacking though) and being infight.

If you have any questions feedback feel free to comment. I usualy respond within a day.

If you want to you can even support me with a small tip ;)

Mail: [email protected]




- Manabar

- Timer for Corruption, Curses (Agony,Weakness,Recklessness,Tongues,Exhaustion & Elements) ,Immolate on selected Target

- Timer for Fear

- Timer for Lifesteal (Only showing when the Talent is learned in the Affi Tree)

- Timer for Amplify Curse Uptime aswell as followup Cooldown of the Ability

- Timer for Banish

- Timer for Enslave Demon

- Timer for Soul-Siphon Talent procc duration

- Shadowtrance Procc Alert!

- Shadowtrance Procc Duration into Manabar

- Reminder for Aderlass when reaching < 10% Mana into the Manabar

- Reminder to use Healthstone when falling below 20% Life into the Manabar (should work for all levels of Stones, but could only confirm

up to lesser healthstone due to my level)

- Reminder for Demon Skin/Demon Armor

- Reminder for Healthstone (When not in Bag)

- Reminder for Soulstone on Self when not in a Group

- Reminder for Soulstone on anyone withing the Group (when being in a Group)

- Reminder to use Shadowburn (Only shows when target is below 10% health and Shadowburn is NOT on cooldown, aswell only when a

Soulshard is in the bag).

- Cooldown for when Soulstone can be used again (Solo & Group / No matter the Level of Stone & if you have one currenty in your bag)

- Cooldown for Deathcoil

- Cooldown for Soulfire

- Cooldown for Fel Domination

- Cooldown for Shadowburn

- Cooldown for Curse of Doom aswell as Uptime

- Soul Shard Counter (How many in Bag)

- Pet Reminder (If no Pet is Summoned)

- Pet not Attacking Reminder in Fights

- Demonic Sacrifice Icon when pet was sacrificed

Planned Updates:

- Adding more Demonology related stuff

- Maybe some Adjustments to the Layout when adding new Features

All my Weakauras:

Warlock :

Druid :

Hunter :

Shaman :