Shaman friendly Loatheb Debuff/Healorder display

Shaman friendly Loatheb Debuff/Healorder display


Displays the healing cooldown on your healers, requires you to list all your healers in the custom options, only those in the raid will be used.

Allows custom healorders, meaning you can use the debuff list to see who is supposed to heal next.

If you mark resto shamans with healing way in the custom options, this wa checks if you can maintain healing way on the tank and if so creates a healorder that achieves this. if you can not maintain healing way the healorder lets healing way stack as high as possible before it runs out.

If you do not activate that this aura only loads during the loatheb fight, it will also load if someone in your raid targets Loatheb, i wrote it this way since you might want to see the healorder before you start the fight.