This is a collection of 4 auras:
Shield Left (texture)
Shield Right (texture)
Shield-Amount (text)
Shield-Timer (text)
You can use this WA for every Shield you want.
Just change at the Tab "Trigger" the Spell-ID for your Shield and at "Shield-Amount (text)" you have to change at the Tab "Display" at the Texteditor "Insert here your Spell-Name and the 0" for you Spell-ID:
-- function() if UnitBuff("player","Insert here your Spell-Name") then local _,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,spellID,_,_,_,_,_,absorbAmount,_,_ = UnitBuff("player","Insert here your Spell-Name") if spellID == 0 then absorbAmount = absorbAmount / 1000 return string.format("%i%c",absorbAmount,75) end end end --
like for Example (Prydaz, Xavarics Magnum Opus - Legendary):
--function() if UnitBuff("player","Xavarics Magnum Opus") then local _,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,spellID,_,_,_,_,_,absorbAmount,_,_ = UnitBuff("player","Xavarics Magnum Opus") if spellID == 207472 then absorbAmount = absorbAmount / 1000 return string.format("%i%c",absorbAmount,75) end end end--
Hope you enjoy :)