Castle Nathria Co-Tank Auras

Castle Nathria Co-Tank Auras


Shows debuffs applied to your Co-Tank without having to put him in focus or anything.

Check out Custom Options tab.

"Sound at x stacks" plays the sound when your Co-Tank reaches the specified amount of stacks. (0 = disabled)

"On Application" plays the sound when the debuff is applied. (usually for debuffs that don't stack)

I suggest installing (not mandatory) else you have to change the default sound.

Let me know if something is missing/needs to be adjusted.

This is not pre-configured for the most part.

Sound is choppy/cutting off, what do?

Disable "Sound Effects" in Escape -> System -> Sound (ingame) and/or follow this guide

tl;dr only a certain amount of sounds can be played at the same time.

Special thanks to Panthea for populating the custom options