Default Taunt sound requires
Shows debuffs applied to your Co-Tank without having to put him in focus or anything.
Check out Custom Options tab.
Make sure your master volume slider in wow's sound options is maxed out and reduce slider on other sounds.
"Sound at x stacks" plays the sound when your Co-Tank reaches the specified amount of stacks. (0 = disabled)
"Sound On Debuff" plays the sound when the debuff is applied. (usually for debuffs that don't stack)
"Sound On Cast" plays the sound when your co-tank is being casted on. This is exceptionally used when you can taunt during the cast.
This is not pre-configured for the most part.
Let me know if something is missing/wrong.
Sound is choppy/cutting off, what do?
Follow this guide or type /run SetCVar("Sound_NumChannels", 128) in chat & hit enter.
tl;dr only a certain amount of sounds can be played at the same time, and a fix is necessary to prevent sounds from cutting off.