Sludge CDS - DBM


Weak aura package for reminding people of cooldowns on Sludgefist using big wigs timers. Options are included for Colossal Roar, Chain Slam and Hateful Gaze/Pillar Slams.

Big Wigs (BW)

If you're a BW user the weakauras for that are located here

Multiple CDS on Same Ability

If you need to use a different cooldown for different counts of the same ability make a copy of the aura you need and set the custom options for each one. For example if you need to use healing tide totem (HTT) on roar 2 and spirit link totem (SLT) on roar 3. You would copy the roar weak aura and setup one for HTT and the other for SLT

Warning: Do not change custom options for the whole group. Only change custom options for individual weak auras. Changing the group settings may overwrite your individual settings.

Colossal Roar Options



CD Name

Name of the cooldown you want to use. EG: Healing Tide Totem or HTT

Ability Enabled

Check this if you want a bar reminder to show up for colossal roar. If it is not checked no bar will show up

Show Glow

Adds a glow around the bar to help alert you that it's there

Play Sound

Plays a ringing phone noise by default when the bar shows up to remind you. The sound can be changed under Conditions (Tab) > Condition 2 > Ringing Phone (Dropdown)

CD Count

The count of the ability you want to use your cooldown on. 1 is the first roar of the fight and 2 is the second and so on.

Advanced: Spell ID

The id for Colossal Roar that is used to trigger the weak aura. If you change this to another ability you also need to change the first trigger. Generally you shouldn't need to change this unless you want to use the weak aura for a different ability.

Chain Slam Options



CD Name

Name of the cooldown you want to use. EG: Healing Tide Totem or HTT

Ability Enabled

Check this if you want a bar reminder to show up for chain slam. If it is not checked no bar will show up

Show Glow

Adds a glow around the bar to help alert you that it's there

Play Sound

Plays a ringing phone noise by default when the bar shows up to remind you. The sound can be changed under Conditions (Tab) > Condition 2 > Ringing Phone (Dropdown)

CD Count

The count of the ability you want to use your cooldown on. 1 is the first slam of the fight and 2 is the second and so on.

Advanced: Spell ID

The id for Chain Slam that is used to trigger the weak aura. If you change this to another ability you also need to change the first trigger. Generally you shouldn't need to change this unless you want to use the weak aura for a different ability.

Pillar Charge Options

Note: This weak aura is based off of the bosses energy and not a timer. You do not need to have the boss targeted for this to work. By default the bar will show up at 70% boss energy. If you need to change this it's in the first trigger. The bosses charge time to the pillar depends on how far away he is from it. This means the time from 100% energy to impact can vary by a few seconds.



CD Name

Name of the cooldown you want to use. EG: Healing Tide Totem or HTT

Ability Enabled

Check this if you want a bar reminder to show up for charge. If it is not checked no bar will show up

Show Glow

Adds a glow around the bar to help alert you that it's there

Play Sound

Plays a ringing phone noise by default when the bar shows up to remind you. The sound can be changed under Conditions (Tab) > Condition 2 > Ringing Phone (Dropdown)

CD Count

Which pillar you want it to be displayed on. There is also an option for the wall charge.

Advanced: Description

This is the text the weak aura is looking for to indicate a successful charge. Generally you don't need to change this.