Full Shadow Priest Suite for WoTLK.
Tracking such as:
-Missing buffs
Furthermore a full suite of advanced rotation helpers such as
-Vampiric Touch Recast Timer
Devouring Plague Snapshotter
Shadow Word: Pain Snapshotter
Shadow Weaving stacks tracking
Custom sound files for certain Procs and abilities/cooldowns coming back up.
Live preview available at https://www.twitch.tv/Smintan
For custom sounds to work please note that the files are required in your WoW directory under:
1. Create the folder.
2. Download the files https://www.dropbox.com/sh/1atn9antt36ogom/AABcnwVuGzLK81OpkA_br3oaa?dl=0
3. Restart your game.
This WeakAura Suite would not be possible without the expertise of the Shadow Priest Community.
Some elements used from other creators:
VT recast Timer https://wago.io/s7IV-CetG by ZodiacBadAtLua
SW:P Snapshotter https://wago.io/q-R7KpAm7 by Fojji
DP Snapshotter https://wago.io/KgQxgi8Mc by Villms