Soul Frag Tracker Enhanced

Soul Frag Tracker Enhanced


Soul Fragment Tracker for Vengeance Demon Hunter

Tracks the amount of soul fragments you have available since the buff you get is weirdly delayed because of the way souls spawn.

This WeakAura checks for the actual spawn of the fragments in the combat log so it can dispaly them right when they are availabe to use (and not only when they are shown as a buff).

Since I wasn't happy with the two (identical) WeakAuras i found here, I decided to improve them:

- Dynamically updates when you move in and out of range of fragments

- Does not display fragments you don't have

- Not dependent on time based funcionality: Smoother adjustment instead of 1.5sec intervals

So it's basically the same as the other two, but without the bugs.

The WeakAuras I'm talking about:

- by shakibdh

- by Cilraaz

My personal usage for this aura:

(split up souls, the master aura in it's core is this aura)

Update Iteration 2:

- Fixed showing souls you don't have when going out of range very fast (e.g. when mounted) (Thanks for reminding me in the comments @Astonishing#2504)

Update Iteration 3:

- Fixed showing souls wrong when you died (Thanks for pointing that out in the comments once again @Astonishing#2504)