Sound Looper


This is a text type aura.

Sound Looping aura by Kulldam

This aura will do the actual action of looping the sound for you. No edits need to be made. However you need to add some code to the aura you want the sound to be played off of:

--In Actions -> OnInit:

aura_env.soundPath = "Sound/SPELLS/Bonk3.ogg" -- path to the sound you want for this aura

aura_env.soundDuration = 0.5 -- duration the sound will play

-- Remember, once a sound file is playing, it wont stop until its over. So set the duration to about the length of the sound, or a bit longer to have a short pause.

--In Actions -> OnShow:

WeakAuras.ScanEvents('LOOP_SOUND_ON', aura_env.soundPath, aura_env.soundDuration) -- sends an event that the 'looper' aura will catch to know when to start playing the sound, and for how long

--In Actions --> OnHide:

WeakAuras.ScanEvents('LOOP_SOUND_OFF', aura_env.soundPath, aura_env.soundDuration) -- sends an event that the 'looper' aura will catch to know when to stop playing the sound

--Only thing you will need to edit is the path and the duration