Spell Cooldown Bars

Spell Cooldown Bars


These auras track one buff and five spells cooldowns. Designed for WW Monk but if you just change the spell names in Trigger you can use it for any spell.

Will display - on cooldown - ready - usable (have chi)

This is a collection of 21 auras:

Buff (aurabar)

Spell One (aurabar)

Spell Two (aurabar)

Spell Three (aurabar)

Spell Four (aurabar)

Spell Five (aurabar)

SP1 Animate (texture)

SP1 Usable (texture)

SP1 Ready (texture)

SP2 Animate (texture)

SP2 Usable (texture)

SP2 Ready (texture)

SP3 Animate (texture)

SP3 Usable (texture)

SP3 Ready (texture)

SP4 Animate (texture)

SP4 Usable (texture)

SP4 Ready (texture)

SP5 Animate (texture)

SP5 Usable (texture)

SP5 Ready (texture)