This WA checks your actionbars for outdated spell-ranks if you open your spellbook.
You have to enter your "Rank"-translation for your client into the custom options of this WA. The translation is case-sensitive, it has to be the same as in your spell tooltips. (shown in screenshots)
EN client: "Rank"
DE client: "Rang"
Aura description:
Checks all actionbuttonskillranks against your current spellbook, if you open your spellbook.
1.: Go to weakaura options and enter the rank-translation for your client.
2.: Open you spellbook.
3.: Look at the chat & your outdated ActionBarButtons while shine.
Hacked together from the old "UP-rank-addon". Using the awesome glow-code from Buds (
If its not working - check the options and enter the rank-translation.