Minimalistic Warlock interface. Shows important procs and mechanics.
Common wheel
- Player health (outer bottom left)
- Pet health / Sacriface (inner bottom left)
- Soulkeeper stacks (number bottom right)
Warlock cooldowns
- Unending Resolve (cooldown and duration)
- Dark Pakt (cooldown and duration)
- Fel Domination (cooldown)
- Mortal coil (cooldown)
- Soulstone missing on healer
- Summon Dark Glare (Affliction only)
- Shards (center)
- Malefic Affliction Stack 1-3 and Dread Touch (outer top left)
- Tormented Crescendo proc (inner top left and shardcount color)
- Nightfall proc (inner top right)
- Cruel Epiphany proc (outer top right with stack count)
- Vile Taint / Phantom Singularity (inner bottom right)
- Soul Rot (outer bottom right)
Debuffs on target
- Unstable Affliction
- Haunt
- Curse of Agony
- Corruption
- Siphon Life
All durations > 6 seconds shown as numbers, below as bar with border effect below 4.5 seconds.
Debuffs on nameplates
- Unstable Affliction (above right)
- Haunt (above left)
- Curse of Agony (right)
- Corruption (middle)
- Siphon Life (left)
Colors are the same as on target bars.
- Soul Shards (center, 1-3 outer top left, > 3 outer top right)
- Conflarate (2/3 charges -> inner top half)
- Burn to Ashes stacks (number top right)
- Havoc effect duration (outer bottom right)
- Backdraft Stack 1/2 (right beside)
- Dimensional Rift 1-3 (left beside)
- Channel Demonfire (inner bottom right)
- Immolate Debuff on target
- Summon Infernal cooldown
- Havoc cooldown
- Soulfire cooldown
- Soul Shards 1-3 / 4-5 (outer top half)
- Demonbolt proc 1/2 (inner top half)
- Power Siphon (right beside)
- Summon Dreadstalkers (inner bottom right; changes color on instant proc)
- Bilescourge Bombers / Demonic Strength (outer bottom right)
- Implosion (center)
- Nether Portal cooldown
- Demonic Tyrant cooldown
- Grimoire Felguard cooldown
- Summon Vilefiend cooldown
- Guillotine cooldown