This WeakAura is no longer being maintained (I had to quit WoW). Feel free to copy/reupload.
This WeakAura tracks incoming Reflectable and import Magic Damage spell casts and displays progress bars for each one. It also shows Spell Reflection's cooldown and remaining duration on an icon (also shows the damage reduction aura). Only certain pre-defined spells are tracked. I haven't personally tested every tracked spell, and it's possible that there are some that don't work.
Reflectable spells are displayed in red and non-reflectable magic damage spells are displayed in orange.
Feedback is greatly appreciated. If you find a spell that is being tracked but doesn't work or you think a spell should be added, please leave a comment. Note that if the spell does not have a cast time it likely can't be tracked.
++Additionally, Enemy Nameplates MUST be enabled for this WeakAura to function properly.++
++Custom Options++
- Only Show Spells if SR is Available (Default: Off): Spell bars will only be shown if Spell Reflection is off cooldown. (Spell bars are always shown when Spell Reflection is active.) This can be toggled globally (by checking in the top level group) or on an individual spell.
- Play Sound on Spell (Default: Off): Play a sound when a spell is cast at you (only if Spell Reflection is available). This can be toggled globally (by checking in the top level group) or on an individual spell. The sound that's played can be changed under Conditions.
- Glow Icon On Spell (Default: On): Spell Reflection's icon will glow if a spell is being cast at you and Spell Reflection is available.