Stix - Core Bars

Stix - Core Bars


Replacing this with full class specific aura's thanks to weak auras now allowing nested groups.

Updating them for dragon flight

New hunter aura's -

Stix weak auras for 9.0.5

Core bars needed for my class specific weak aura's to function correctly

These are the weak auras I'm using for my own gameplay so order might be changing down the line etc based on how I'm feeling.

These core bars are only needed once. You can find the class specific groups below


Currently supported classes

Global utilities -


The core bars (Stix Core) is used by all classes I make. If you are seeing the bars on classes where you aren't using my class specific weak auras you will need to turn of the bars for that class. This can be done opening weak auras clicking on any auras in the Stix Core group and selecting the load tab. Scroll down to "Class and Specification" and uncheck the classes where you don't want the bars to show.

Moving aura's should be done via the anchors - named StixDPSAnchor / StixHealerAnchor in the "Stix Core" group. Changing the position of this one will affect all specs that use that anchor. To change the size it should be done by clicking on the group, selecting the group tab and changing the group scale value there. This ensures all the other groups also correctly scale


I'll keep an eye on messages here but for better communication please use discord server for bugs or suggestions -