VS proc alert (audio) + updated tracking for wildfire grenades (dot) ; Separate WA for upcoming bomb loaded.
Wildfire Bomb 2 (icon)
Wildfire Bomb Glow (icon)
Wildfire Bomb Stacks (text)
Wildfire Bomb Bar (aurabar)
Serpent Sting Surv (icon)
Serpent Sting NA Surv (icon)
Serpent Sting Surv Glow (icon)
Viper's Venom Icon (icon)
Viper's Venom 2 (texture)
Serpent Sting Surv Bar (aurabar)
Kill Command Surv (icon)
Kill Command Surv Glow (icon)
Raptor Strike Base (icon)
Raptor Strike Glow (icon)
Carve 2 (icon)
Steel Trap (icon)
Murder of Crows (icon)
Mongoose Bite (icon)
Mongoose Bite Stacks (text)
Flanking Strike 2 (icon)
Coordinated Assault 2 (icon)
Coordinated Assault Bar (aurabar)
Spitting Cobra (icon)
Aspect of the Eagle 2 (icon)
Focus - Surv (aurabar)
Mongoose Fury Bar (aurabar)
Pet attack Survival (icon)
Pet not attack Survival (icon)
Pet Survival (icon)
Survival Hunter BG (aurabar)
LPoison (text)
Eagle (progresstexture)