This is a simple but useful "Targeted By"-Spells WeakAura that adds a Glow on your Unit Frames (specifically, only your GroupFrames!!) for many dangerous Spells! It's most useful for Healers and features a color scheming, for included spells and colors, see list at the end.
WARNING: THIS WEAKAURA MAY SOMETIMES LOOK LIKE A PARTYCLUB!! It will add a glow for EVERY tracked Spell that is beeing casted around you. If you add a pack with 2x Water Bolt, 2x Blind Rage and 3x Ricocheting Throw (Casual FH Double-pull) then it can be really confusing. Highly recommend only focusing on everything thats not Red, unless someone is low.
- To add new spells, simply go to "Custom Options", press + and entry a SpellID with the name u please.
- To add new colors;
> Make sure the very last condition is set for Trigger1 > Active
> Other than, simply look in the conditions for the color u want, duplicate it, change the spellid.
- To add new Triggers;
> Simply add a new trigger and set it up as u please, u then need to add it to Trigger1- CheckOn Events, Event(s) TRIGGER:2:3: etc. and it should dynamically detect spells noted in custom options.
My other WeakAuras:
Synthâ - Holy-Paladin (Layout 1):
Synthâ - Holy-Paladin (Layout 2):
Synthâ - Shaman (Layout 1):
Synthâ - Shaman (Layout 2):
Synthâ's "Targeted by" GroupFrame Glows:
If you have trouble or want customizations, have idea or wanna give feedback, leave a comment or try catch me ingame "/w Prephalia-Frostwolf" or "/w Synthâsham-Frostwolf".
Dungeon - Spell (Where - Name) - SpellID - Color
FH - Ricocheting Throw (Trash - Juggler) - SpellID 272402 - Color: Red
FH - Blind Rage (Trash - Scrapper) - SpellID 257739 - Color: Blue
FH - Oiled Blade (Trash - Officer) - SpellID 257908 - Color: Purple
FH - Azerite Powder Shot (Boss - Kragg) - SpellID 256106 - Color: Purple
FH - Pistol Shot (Boss - Kragg) - doesnt work cause instant cast - SpellID 255966
FH - Blackout Barrel (Boss - Eudora & Raoul) - SpellID 258338 - Color: Pink
FH - Powder Shot (Boss - Eudora & Raoul) - SpellID 256979 - Color: Red
FH - Whirling Dagger (Boss - Harlan) - SpellID 413136 - Color: Red
Nelth - Bold Ambush (Trash - Hunter) - SpellID 372566 - Color: Red
Nelth - Magma Conflagration (Trash - Thaumaturge) - SpellID 378818 - Color: Red
Nelth - Dragonbane Axe (Trash - Bonesplitter) - SpellID 372225 - Color: Blue
Nelth - Lava Spray (Boss - Magmatusk) - SpellID 375251 - Color: Red
Nelth - Dragonstrike (Boss - Chargath) - SpellID 373733 - Color: Red
Nelth - Molten Gold (Boss - Sargha) - SpellID 377017 - Color: Red
UNDR - Hooked Snare (Trash - Headhunter) - SpellID 265377 - Color: Red
UNDR - Dark Omen (Trash - Spirit) - SpellID 265568 - Color: Black
UNDR - Void Spit (Trash - Horror) - SpellID 272180 - Color: Red
UNDR - Wicked Embrace (Trash - Deathspeaker) - SpellID 266265 - Color: Purple
BH - Viscious Clawmangle (Trash - Fighter) - SpellID 367484 - Color: Blue
BH - Bonebolt (Trash - Hunter) - SpellID 367521 - Color: Red
BH - Bloody Bite (Trash - Warscourge) - SpellID 367481 - Color: Red
BH - Marked for Butchery (Boss - Gashtooth) - SpellID 378229 - Color: Black
BH - Earth Bolt (Boss - Tricktotem) - SpellID 378155 - Color: Red
BH - Gut Shot (Boss - Gutshot) - SpellID 384353 - Color: Red
ULD - Ricocheting Shield (Boss - Olaf) - SpellID 369677 - Color: Red
ULD - Dagger Throw (Boss - Eric) - SpellID 369781 - Color: Red
ULD - Earthen Shard (Boss - Talondras) - SpellID 372718 - Color: Black
VP - Holy Smite (Trash - Adept) - SpellID 88959 - Color: Red
VP - Rushing Wind (Trash - Soldier) - SpellID 410873 - Color: Purple
VP - Wind Bolt (Trash - Vortex) - SpellID 410760 - Color: Red
VP - Cyclone (Trash - Vortex) - SpellID 410870 - Color: Blue
VP - Lightning Bolt (Boss - Ertan) - SpellID 86331 - Color: Red
VP - Chain Lightning (Boss - Asaad) - SpellID 87622 - Color: Red
HoI - Containment Beam (Trash - Apparatus) - SpellID 374020 - Color: Red
NL - Jagged Disc (Trash - Pelter & Trapper) - SpellID 183633 - Color: Red