T20 - Tank Helper

T20 - Tank Helper


Minimal tank helper for T20 w/sounds for events

Make sure to have co-tank set as focus for most of these to work.

Getting closer to finallized.

**This is still a work in progress as I test them all out and makes changes, additions, etc. Check back for most recent versions.

Used https://wago.io/Vyfk0e9-X as a starting point so props to them!

Positioned for where my unit frames are so you will want to move them to suit your UI.

This is a collection of 16 auras:

GR - Burning

GR - Burning Debuffing Co Tank

GR - Melted Armor

GR - Infernal Burning

DI - Scythe Sweep

HR - Jagged Abrasion

HR - Frigid Blows

HR - Splashy Cleave

MS - Burden of Pain

MS - Burden of Pain Debuffing Co Tank

MS - Burden of Pain Cast Start

SM - Lunar Fire

SM - Discorporate

SM - Discorporate Debuffing Co Tank

MV - Unstable Soul

FA - Desolate

FA - Desolate Debuffing Co Tank

FA - Matrix Empowerment

FA - Fel Infusion AVATAR (icon)

KJ - Felclaws (Tank) (icon)

KJ - Felclaws Debuffing Co Tank (icon)