T21 - Antorus - Spanish


Solo he traducido los textos de algunas auras, todos los créditos van para https://wago.io/rkhb-kpnW

I've just translated the texts from some auras, all credits go to https://wago.io/rkhb-kpnW

This is a collection of 123 auras:

GW - Decimation (icon)

GW - Fel Bombardment (icon)

GW - Annihilation (icon)

GW - Eradication (icon)

FH - Tank Debuffs (icon)

FH - Molten Touch (icon)

FH - Molten Flares (icon)

FH - Enflamed (icon)

FH - Siphoned (icon)

FH - Weight of Darkness (icon)

FH - Consumed (icon)

FH - Desolate Gaze (icon)

FH - Singed (icon)

FH (M) - Shadowtouched (icon)

FH (M) - Flametouched (icon)

FH (M) - Burning Remant (icon)

HC - Exploit Weakness (icon)

HC - Chaos Pulse (icon)

HC - Entropic Blast (icon)

HC - Felshield (icon)

HC (M) - Extract Interloper (icon)

HC - Fusillade Cast (icon)

HC - Slowed (icon)

HC (M) - Shocked (icon)

HC - Psychic Scarring (icon)

PK - Reality Tear (icon)

PK - Collapsing World (icon)

PK - Cloying Shadows (icon)

PK - Hungering Gloom (icon)

PK - Mind Fog (icon)

PK - Everburning Flames (icon)

PK (M) - Aegis of Flames (icon)

PK - Delusions (icon)

PK - Corrupt (icon)

PK - Caustic Slime (icon)

PK - Poison/Leech Essence (icon)

PK - Felsilk Wrap (icon)

PK - Felsilk Wrap (Other) (icon)

PK - Howling Shadows (icon)

PK - Acidic Web (icon)

PK - Fiery Detonation (icon)

EO (M) - Burning Embers (icon)

EO (M) - Foul Steps (icon)

EO (M) - Arcane Buildup (icon)

EO - Rain of Fel (icon)

EO - Fel Wake (icon)

EO (M) - Feedback (icon)

IM - Tank Debuffs (icon)

IM - Empowered Pulse (icon)

IM - Asleep (icon)

IM - Infernal Rockets (icon)

IM - Shocked (icon)

IM - Shrapnel Blast (icon)

IM - Charged Blasts (icon)

IM - Stasis Trap (icon)

IM - Conflagration (icon)

IM - Seared Skin (icon)

KG - Forging Strike (icon)

KG - Forging Cast (icon)

KG - Reverb Strike (icon)

KG - Ruiner Cast (icon)

KG (M) - Demolished (icon)

KG - Reaver Debuffs (icon)

KG - Ruiner (icon)

KG - Phase 2 Timer (icon)

VA - Necrotic Embrace (icon)

VA - Misery (icon)

VA (M) - Echoes of Doom (icon)

VA - Marked Prey (icon)

VA - Dark Fissure (icon)

VA - Dark Fissure Cast (icon)

VA - Torment (icon)

CO - Shivan Pact (icon)

CO - Fiery Strike (icon)

CO - Flashfreeze (icon)

CO - Whirling Saber (icon)

CO - Fulminating Pulse (icon)

CO - Orb of Frost (icon)

CO - Chilled Absorb (icon)

CO - Chilled Stun (icon)

CO (M) - Cosmic Glare (icon)

CO - Storm Timer (icon)

CO - Spectral Army (icon)

AG - Foe Breaker Cast (icon)

AG - Flame Rend (icon)

AG - Searing Tempest (icon)

AG - Foe Breaker (icon)

AG - Taeschalach's Reach (icon)

AG - Scorching Blaze (icon)

AG (M) - Ravenous Blaze (icon)

AG - Wake of Flame (icon)

AG - Wake of Flame Cast (icon)

AG - Blazing Eruption (icon)

AG - Catalyzing Presence (icon)

AG (M) - Catalyzed (icon)

AG - Molten Remnants (icon)

AG - Energy Alert (icon)

UN - Scythe Debuffs (icon)

UN - Soulblight (icon)

UN - Golganneth's Strength (icon)

UN - Golganneth's Gifts (icon)

UN - Avatar of Aggramar (icon)

UN - Soulburst (icon)

UN - Aggramar's Boon (icon)

UN - Soulbomb (P2) (icon)

UN - Soulbomb (P4) (icon)

UN - Ember of Rage (icon)

UN - Cosmic Ray (icon)

UN - Uninterruptable (icon)

UN - Cosmic Beacon (icon)

UN - Vulnerability (icon)

UN - Cosmic Smash (icon)

UN - Worst Mechanic Ever (icon)

UN - Death Fog (icon)

UN - Soul Detonation (icon)

UN (M) - Grasp (icon)

UN (M) - Chains/Sentence (icon)

UN (M) - Punishment (icon)

UN (M) - Shattered Bonds (icon)

UN (M) - Crushing (icon)

UN (M) - Sargeras' Fear (icon)

UN (M) - Unleashed (icon)

UN (M) - Sargeras' Rage (icon)