T27: Castle Nathria (All Bosses & Difficulties)

T27: Castle Nathria (All Bosses & Difficulties)


Comprehensive collection of de/buff indicators, cast alerts, and special warnings for Castle Nathria.

This pack will see a lot of updates during progression.

For the best experience, please download Causese's custom sounds. The sound cues are especially helpful when learning fights.

Default sound channel for these auras is Dialog. You may want to adjust your settings.

Twitter: https://twitter.com/chrissingr

Discord: Chrissinger#8456

Twitch: https://twitch.tv/chrissingr


• "How do I move the timer back to the middle of the icon?"

The easiest way to do this is to disable Text 2 and un-check "Hide Cooldown Text" in the group's Display settings.

• "I'd like the auras to be a little bigger or smaller, without affecting the aspect ratio. What do?"

Please refer to this helpful GIF that I stole from Causese.

• "How do I make mine look like the ones in the example images?"

You need three things: Masque, the ElvUI Masque skin, and the Expressway font. You can get the font by using ElvUI or installing it manually through a SharedMedia AddOn (it takes some Googling).

• "There are a lot of these raid packs now. Why did you need to compile this one?"

Because I'm particular about how my UI looks, and curating your own pack is a decent way to learn mechanics.