All around UI set for Protection Paladin.
Main Group
The half circle bar displays the duration of either Divine Protection (orange) or Avenging Wrath (yellow).
Displays the cooldown of your main threat-dealing abilities :
Hammer of the Righteous
Shield of Righteousness
Holy Shield
Avenger's Shield
Also has 4 tiny colored bars for more short baseline cooldowns (from left to right) :
Hand of Reckoning (if Righteous Fury is active)
Righteous Defense (if Righteous Fury is active)
Hammer of Justice
Holy Wrath
Also added a mana bar below the main CDs.
DoTs & Procs Group
Displays (mostly) baseline buffs and procs duration.
Includes :
Current active seal (greyed if none) + SoV stacks on target
Divine Plea
Ardent Defender proc cooldown
Forbearance (also displays a 30s timer after using AW as you are locked from using defensives for that duration)
Also has a tiny GCD bar on top, with a glowing reminder if you don't have Righteous Fury active.
Displays (mostly) baseline secondary abilities' cooldowns and the buffs tied to those.
Includes :
Divine Protection
Avenging Wrath (also displays a 30s timer after using HoP / DP / LoH / DS as they lock you from using AW for that duration)
Divine Sacrifice
Divine Shield
Hand of Protection
Hand of Freedom
Hand of Sacrifice
Hand of Salvation
Lay on Hands
Current active aura (greyed if none)