Part of the complete SL ElvUI UI for Rogue.
Preview of both "SL ElvUI XXX" (coherent with the WAs posted here on and "SL WA XXX" (WAs can be found in the link down below):
For a complete description check
!IMPORTANT!: Most WeakAuras use borders, which have the pixel perfect issue. To make it work properly you need 1920x1080p AND ElvUI UI scale = 0.65!
Also fixable by moving the groups left, right, group spacing (vertical border lines) or top, bottom (horizontal border lines).
For the complete UI to work, you need the ElvUI profiles made for it which can be found in the "wowlearner SL UI complete".zip file.
Downloadable here:
>WeakAuras for all classes and specs can also be found in there as .txt files, as well as the complete WeakAuras.lua.
Make sure you pick the correct WAs for the ElvUI profile you need as there are 2 different.
>WAs for SL ElvUI = WAs include buff, debuff, procc, resource tracking. The WAs for this profile will be kept up to date throughout shadowlands. These are also the ones I post here on
>WAs for SL WA = WAs also include all spells (like an action bar, but without keybinds etc.). Note that the WAs for this profile are most likely not going to be updated.
>>If you use the ElvUI profile "SL ElvUI XXX" then you should use "WAs for SL ElvUI" (the ones i post here on
>>If you use the ElvUI profile "SL WA XXX" then you should use "WAs for SL WA" (the ones im most likely not going to update.
>>Since "SL ElvUI XXX" uses a different layout than "SL WA XXX" they also need a different WeakAura positioning, even though the content is basically the same (buffs, debuffs, proccs tracking).
I highly recommend using Masque for better button display for ElvUI and WeakAuras. You will need:
Masque Caith:
Masque ElvUIesque:
then open /masque and select "Caith" for ElvUI skin and WeakAuras skin.
>> Make sure to backup your WTF folder before implementing the complete WeakAuras.lua file.