Target: of Target

Target: of Target


This set of weakauras is one for five weakauras that are meant to replace the use frames (player, target, target of target ….) along with some other functionallity.


All bars (player, target, target of target, and focus) change color depending on class either being played or targetted

Player and target bars have resource bars in order to track mana, rage, energy…

Skill indicator shows GCD, and last skill cast it also has several weakauras bars that have to be customized by the player depending on what they the player wants to track, or they can just be disabled completely

In order to install

1. You will need to head over to curseforge and download Leafpack (This cannot be downloaded through the twitch client). This contains all the art associated with the weakauras:

2. Unzip the the LeafPack and place LeafPack in your add-on folder.

3. There are five weakauras associated with this UI:

Player Bar: standard player bar includes a pet frame

target Bar

target of target bar

focus frame

Doodads: completely optional shows GCD, last skill cast and some unassociated weakauras that can be customized bu the user

4. Head over to curse/twitch client and download oUF Lybrial. This is a lightweight unit frame add-on that creates invisible unit frames. Place them appropriately in the same place as your player, target and focus frame bars.