tazUI: SwingTimer

tazUI: SwingTimer


my **UPDATED FOR WRATH** UI: https://wago.io/Cl_KxdRkq

If you want to have the old look of tbc, please see @Ralgathor s Swing timer: https://wago.io/joURtkngg


Now including my entire UI pack:

TotemBar: https://wago.io/abJj14lLc

FireTotem: https://wago.io/FlcLVvBl1 (Ticktimer)

Rotational: https://wago.io/m4SkwPGZF

CDs: https://wago.io/wm7yHZlxa

Procs: https://wago.io/yNI5JnneQ

ManaBar: https://wago.io/uxFAOxJuT

Add this WeakAura + any number of the above you might want.

To enable color blind mode, click on the custom options and tick color blind mode on (Also helps with bad eyesight in general)

This swing timer includes a bar for your main hand weapon swing, which changes color to grey during the Windfury ICD window and a green(black in color blind mode) spark for your off hand weapon that colors red(white in color blind mode) while outside of Flurry ICD sync

The spark will be green(black) for ideal sync, yellow for offhand hitting before mainhand (suboptimal for windfury, still ideal for flurry icd) and red(white) for out of sync

To sync your weapons, simply attach the training wheels option in custom options and start using this macro:




After around 5 minutes you will have it figured out and can reliably sync your weapons.

For a more detailed description and Video guides on this, feel free to visit the Chadhancement Discord: https://discord.gg/EGZSWfVsXR

Here's a detailed explanation on how the macro works. Once this is understood using the swing timer will become a lot clearer (HIGHLY RECOMMENDED):

When you /startattack in melee range, from a dead stop, your MH swing timer is treated as normal (and since it's currently at 0, you immediately swing it), but your OH swing has a delay equal to one half of its swing speed inserted that must expire before it can swing. Pressing the macro forces this sequence to restart. Since MH is always allowed to just swing as normal, it is not interrupted or affected at all. On the other hand, the OH has to wait out that half weapon speed delay before it can swing. This is why pressing the macro while the OH is in the first half of its swing doesn't do anything, because that waiting period expires before the OH would have swung anyway.

Once you reach the half way point in the swing, the longer you wait to press the macro, the longer of a delay you are forcing onto the OH (up to 1/2 a swing). This is why basing your timing on the MH always works (if the swings are close enough together) because the farther the OH is ahead of the MH when you press the macro, the larger delay you are forcing on the OH, always equaling out to the same stagger.

When the two swing timers are very far apart, it takes two presses of the macro, because even the full 1/2 swing delay isn't long enough to get the MH all the way ahead of the OH in the sequence. You press the macro when the OH is near the end to force a long delay, then press it again as you normally would to correct a stagger that is slightly off.

Additionally, if you press the macro while the OH is currently waiting out the forced delay period, that delay is reset to full, and this can be repeated forever (preventing the OH from ever swinging), as long as you press it again within that 1/2 swing speed time window each time.

Why is that 1/2 speed delay injected when you start attacking in melee range? Why isn't it when you start attacking from range? Ask Blizz.

Thanks @SlimX#4415 from the Chadhance community for testing and writing this up.

For a Classic Era version please see below:


For some gameplay showcasing this weakaura, catch me on Twitch!
